
Traducción: When I was your girl (Cuando era tu chica) - Alison Moyet

When I was your girl--------->Cuando era tu chica
I didn't know that I would----->no sabía lo que quería,
end where you begin---->terminar donde tu empezabas,
more beautiful in your skin---->ser más hermosa en tu piel,
no matter of regret----->no importaba el lamento
this loosening curl-------->de un rizo desprendido,
teasing you out------->divirtiéndome contigo fuera,
when I was your girl.------>cuando era tu chica.

In my room you said---------->En mi habitación dijiste
we'll stay here for an endless year---->que nos quedaríamos un año interminable
close the door----------->con la puerta cerrada
we're letting no one near------>sin dejar que nadie se acercara,
when I was your girl...-------->cuando era tu chica...

And then today-------------->Y hoy
all the nightmares came my way--->todas las pesadillas me atraparon,
all the tears I tried to stay--->todas las lágrimas que evité,
you were never satisfied-------->nunca estabas satisfecho,
when I was your girl...--------->cuando era tu chica...

And when I was she----->Y cuando yo era ella,
I'd put on every coat----->me gustaba ser tu abrigo
to wear the weather down----->para protegerte del mal tiempo,
but even in the sun--------->pero incluso bajo el sol
you said you tasted rain---->decías que sentías la lluvia,
I watched you unfurl------->te veía desplegarte
you held on to me------->aferrándote a mí,
when I was your girl.------>cuando era tu chica.

In my cups I see you watching---->En mis copas te veo mirando
from the edge of the bed------>desde el borde de la cama,
I'm sinking words------>estoy naufragando en palabras
that you never said------------->que tú nunca pronunciaste
when I was your girl...----------->cuando era tu chica...

And then today-------------->Y hoy
I'll be keeping out your way------>andaré fuera de tu camino
every debt they owe I pay---->con cada deuda que tenga que pagar
they were never satisfied----->que nunca fueron satisfechas,
when I was your girl...--------->cuando era tu chica...

We tore out a page------->Arrancamos una página,
impolitely quit the stage----->sin la cortesía de salir del escenario,
into corners sweep our rage---->nuestra rabia barre las esquinas,
I would never leave you crying.----->yo nunca dejaría que lloraras.

When I was your girl...--------->Cuando era tu chica...