
Traducción: The woman you love - Ashanti & Busta Rhymes


Bringing the entertainment------->Persuadirnos con el espectáculo,
Ashanti, we missed you baby------>Ashanti, te echamos de menos, nena,
Busta, bus, karma music.---------->Busta, el karma de la música.

But what about my pride---------->¿Qué hay de mi orgullo?.
you're never satisfied----------->nunca estás satisfecho,
you made me feel----------------->me hiciste sentir
like I wasn't worth being-------->como si no valiera la pena
by your side--------------------->estar a tu lado,
out of sacrifice,---------------->sacrificando
all of my damn time-------------->todo mi maldito tiempo,
giving you all mine-------------->dándote todo lo mío
you see me dying inside.--------->y tú viéndome morir por dentro.

Trying to see-------------------->Intentando ver,
trying to find------------------->intentando encontrar,
trying to be--------------------->intentando ser
the woman you love--------------->la mujer que amas,
tried everything----------------->lo he intentado todo
but it just don't seem----------->pero al parecer
like it's enough----------------->nada es suficiente,
hey baby, tried to believe------->escucha nen, intento creer
but i'm tired of being tired----->pero estoy cansada, agotada,
trying to love------------------->intentando amar,
trying to fight------------------>intentando luchar
and I'm running out of tries----->y me estoy quedando sin opciones,
you're just no good.------------->tú no eres bueno conmigo.

But everything that I think------>Todo lo que pienso
and all the love that we make---->y todo el amor que tenemos,
it never should took place------->nunca debería haber pasado,
I gave you my heart,------------->yo te entregué el corazón.
you've been trading I know------->tu has estado negociando, lo sé,
I should have let you go--------->debería dejar que te perdieras
'cause I'm back------------------>porque estoy
where I was before, baby.-------->donde estaba antes, nen.

Trying to see-------------------->Intentando ver,
trying to find------------------->intentando encontrar,
trying to be--------------------->intentando ser
the woman you love--------------->la mujer que amas,
tried everything----------------->lo he intentado todo
but it just don't seem----------->pero al parecer
like it's enough----------------->nada es suficiente,
hey baby, tried to believe------->escucha nen, intento creer
but i'm tired of being tired----->pero estoy cansada, agotada,
trying to love------------------->intentando amar,
trying to fight------------------>intentando luchar
and I'm running out of tries----->y me estoy quedando sin opciones,
you're just no good.------------->tú no eres bueno conmigo.

Busta Rhymes
Love, I know you're rapping to moves---->Amor, sé que estás hablando de los cambios
I'll be making, yes--------------->que estoy haciendo, sí,
they'll be gone to trivial tribulations, yes--->todo se resume en triviales adversidades, sí
it don't matter how difficult it'll get--->no importa cuánto cueste superarlas,
I love you regardless the situation------>al margen de esta situación, yo te amo,
I see you drew a line in the sand----->veo que has trazado una línea en la arena,
you ain't gotta leave me home, I hand---->no tienes que abandonar mi mundo, te lo doy,
everytime I get up------------------>cada vez que me levanto
and I think about that we're feeling,--->y pienso en nuestros sentimientos,
I say is damn-------------------->me digo "maldita sea",
I know at times I really hurt your head--->sé que te doy dolores de cabeza,
I've been, I've stressed you out---->te he estado estresando
and really get you fed up----------->y he conseguido hartarte,
I will never ever gonna let up------>nunca jamás mostraré indiferencia
unless it makes you happy---------->a menos que te haga feliz
for me to shut up------------------>que me quede callado.

But I ain't shutting up,------------>No me estoy cerrando a ti
because I really wanna give it to you--->porque quiero dártelo todo,
I can't replace a feeling---------->no puedo reemplazar un sentimiento
when we get up with each other----->cuando conseguimos los mezclamos todos
and I ain't trying to lose you----->y no quiero perderte.

Now what you expect me to do, ------>¿qué quieres que haga?,
let's take a of trip with you to Honolulu-->vámonos de viaje a Honolulu,
come on,--------------------------->venga vamos,
maybe we can spend some time together-->tal vez podamos pasar un tiempo juntos
Tried to make a better girl,------->intentando hacer que te sientas mejor nena,
I choose you-------------------->te elijo a ti
but if you admit it------------->siempre que admitas
that we really done------------->que realmente lo hemos hecho,
I respect it, and baby I'm a go--->lo respeto, y nena, estoy entre la espada y la pared
But once I walk out the door,---->pero si salgo por esa puerta
I ain't never coming back baby--->no volveré nunca más,
hell no.------------------------->por supuesto que no lo haré.


Trying to see-------------------->Intentando ver,
trying to find------------------->intentando encontrar,
trying to be--------------------->intentando ser
the woman you love--------------->la mujer que amas,
tried everything----------------->lo he intentado todo
but it just don't seem----------->pero al parecer
like it's enough----------------->nada es suficiente,
hey baby, tried to believe------->escucha nen, intento creer
but i'm tired of being tired----->pero estoy cansada, agotada,
trying to love------------------->intentando amar,
trying to fight------------------>intentando luchar
and I'm running out of tries----->y me estoy quedando sin opciones,
you're just no good.------------->tú no eres bueno conmigo.