
Traducción: Never should have (No deberías haberme) - Ashanti

You were all that I wanted----->Eras todo lo que quería,
I fell in love with all-------->me enamoré de todo,
of your heart and your soul----->de tu corazón y de tu alma,
from that moment couldn't imagine--->en ese momento no podía imaginar
you went from hurting me-------->que podrías hacerme daño,
you're mistreated in your love----->maltratas tu amor,
I should have loved.------------>debería haber sido amada.

Rivers of tear drops----------->Ríos de lágrimas,
these sharp pains in my heart---->fuertes dolores en mi corazón,
if this was the way that you loved---->si así es como amabas,
you never should have loved me.---->nunca deberías haberme amado.

You never should have loved me----->Nunca deberías haberme amado,
you never should have touched me--->nunca deberías haberme tocado,
you never should have-------------->nunca deberías haberme,
never should have told me you loved me--->nunca deberías haberme dicho que me amabas
and you would never leave me.------>y que nunca me dejarías.

Because everything that you would do----->Porque todo lo que hacías
it made me fall in love with you-------->me hizo enamorarme de ti,
until you left-------------------->hasta que dejaste de hacerlo
and you made that mistake-------------->y cometiste ese error,
now I can't take you back-------->ahora no puedo hacerte dar marcha atrás
if I wanted to.------------------>aunque quiera.

Balled up, laying in my bed---->Hecha un ovillo, tendida en mi cama,
thoughts racing through my head---->me comen la cabeza los pensamientos,
how did we start out in love------>¿cómo empezamos con amor
and end up here------------------>y terminamos aquí?,
you said you loved me and I believed you---->dijiste que me amabas y yo te creí,
seems like you don't even mean what you say.--->parece que no sabes ni lo que dices.

Rivers of tear drops----------->Ríos de lágrimas,
these sharp pains in my heart---->fuertes dolores en mi corazón,
if this was the way that you loved---->si así es como amabas,
you never should have loved me.---->nunca deberías haberme amado.

You never should have loved me----->Nunca deberías haberme amado,
you never should have touched me--->nunca deberías haberme tocado,
you never should have-------------->nunca deberías haberme,
never should have told me you loved me--->nunca deberías haberme dicho que me amabas
and you would never leave me.------>y que nunca me dejarías.

Because everything that you would do----->Porque todo lo que hacías
it made me fall in love with you-------->me hizo enamorarme de ti,
until you left-------------------->hasta que dejaste de hacerlo
and you made that mistake-------------->y cometiste ese error,
now I can't take you back-------->ahora no puedo hacerte dar marcha atrás
if I wanted to.------------------>aunque quiera.

You were all that I wanted----->Eres todo lo que quería,
I fell in love with you-------->me enamoré de ti,
'cause you loved me------------>porque me amabas
and I thought that you were ready---->y pensé que estabas preparado,
I thought that we were gonna be a family--->que íbamos a ser una familia,
and if you weren't------------>y si no lo estasbas,
then you should have let me---->deberías haberme dejado,
keep all my love to give-------->guardo todo mi amor para dárselo
to someone else.------------->a alguien más.

You never should have loved me----->Nunca deberías haberme amado,
you never should have touched me--->nunca deberías haberme tocado,
you never should have-------------->nunca deberías haberme,
never should have told me you loved me--->nunca deberías haberme dicho que me amabas
and you would never leave me.------>y que nunca me dejarías.

Because everything that you would do----->Porque todo lo que hacías
it made me fall in love with you-------->me hizo enamorarme de ti,
until you left-------------------->hasta que dejaste de hacerlo
and you made that mistake-------------->y cometiste ese error,
now I can't take you back-------->ahora no puedo hacerte dar marcha atrás
if I wanted to.------------------>aunque quiera.
