
Traducción: Fly (Clean) - Nicki Minaj & Rihanna


I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive--->He venido a ganar, a luchar, a conquistar, a prosperar,
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise--->he venido a a ganar, a sobrevivir,a prosperar, a crecer,
to fly, to fly.--------------------------------->a volar, a volar.

I wish today to will rain all day---------->Ojalá no pare de llover en todo el día,
maybe that will kinda make the pain go away--->puede que así mengüe el dolor,
trying to forgive you for abandoning me------->intentando perdonarte por haberme dejado tirada,
praying but I think I'm still an angel away.-->rezo, pero creo que sigo siendo un ángel extraño.

Angel away, yeah strange in a way---------->Un ángel extraño, sí extraño en el camino
maybe that is why I chase strangers away---->puede ser que por eso me persiguen ángeles extraños,
they got their guns out aiming at me------>apuntaron hacia mí
but I become near when they aiming at me.--->pero me acerqué a ellos cuando me miraron.

Me, me, me against them------------------->Yo, yo, yo contra ellos,
me against enemies, me against friends---->contra mis enemigos, contra mis amigos,
somehow they both seem to become one------>se parecen todos tanto,
a sea full of sharks---------------------->un mar lleno de tiburones
and they all see blood.------------------->donde todos huelen la sangre.

They start coming and I start rising------>Llegan por todas partes,
must be surprising, I'm just surmising----->debe ser una sorpresa, me están juzgando,
I win, thrive, soar, higher...------------->yo gano, prospero, me elevo, me supero,
more fire.--------------------------------->más fuego por favor.

I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive--->He venido a ganar, a luchar, a prosperar,
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise--->he venido a a ganar, a sobrevivir,a prosperar, a crecer,
to fly, to fly.--------------------------------->a volar, a volar.

Everybody wanna try to box me in------------>Todos quieren acorralarme,
suffocating everytime it locks me in-------->asfixiándome cada vez que me atrapan
paint they own pictures,-------------------->contándome sus películas
then they crop me in------------------------>y haciéndome pedazos
but I will remain where the top begins.----->pero me quedaré donde empieza lo más alto.

Because I am not a word, I am not a line--->Porque no soy una palabra ni una línea,
I am not a girl that can ever be defined---->no soy una chica con una etiqueta,
I am not fly, I am levitation--------------->no estoy volando, estoy levitando,
I represent an entire generation.----------->represento a toda una generación.

I hear the criticism loud and clear--------->He oído la crítica alta y clara,
that is how I know that the time is near---->eso me avisa de que ha llegado la hora
see we become alive in a time of fear------->de ver como convertimos en vida un tiempo de miedo
and I ain't got no motherfucking time to spare.-->y a mí no me sobra el tiempo.

Cry my eyes out for days upon days--------->No dejan de llover lágrimas de mis ojos todos los días,
such a heavy burden placed upon me--------->es una pesada carga que recae sobre mí,
but when you go hard----------------------->pero cuando juegas duro
your nay's become yea's-------------------->tu mejor voto es un sí...
Yankee Stadium with Jay's and Kanye's.----->Yankee Stadium (sede del equipo de beisbol de los New Yor Yankees) con Jay-Z y Kanye West.

I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive--->He venido a ganar, a luchar, a prosperar,
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise--->he venido a a ganar, a sobrevivir,a prosperar, a crecer,
to fly, to fly.--------------------------------->a volar, a volar.
Get ready for it...----------->Prepárate...
I came to win----------------->he venido a ganar,
get ready for it...----------->prepárate...
I came to win.---------------->he venido a ganar.

I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive--->He venido a ganar, a luchar, a prosperar,
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise--->he venido a a ganar, a sobrevivir,a prosperar, a crecer,
to fly, to fly.--------------------------------->a volar, a volar.