
Traducción: The wrestler - Bruce Springsteen



Have you ever seen a one trick pony---->¿Has visto alguna vez un poni engañado,
in the field so happy and free?-------->en el campo tan feliz y libre?,
if you've ever seen a one trick pony--->si alguna vez has visto un poni engañado
then you've seen me-------------------->entonces me has visto a mí,
have you ever seen a one-legged dog---->¿has visto alguna vez un perro cojo
making it´s way down the street?------->bajando por la calle?,
if you've ever seen a one-legged dog--->si alguna vez has visto un perro cojo
then you've seen me.------------------->entonces me has visto a mí.

Then you've seen me,------------------->Entonces me has visto,
I come and stand at every door--------->vengo y me pongo en cada puerta
then you've seen me,------------------->entonces me has visto,
I always leave------------------------->siempre me voy
with less than I had before------------>con menos de lo que tenía antes
then you've seen me,------------------->entonces me has visto,
bet I can make you smile--------------->apuesto que puedo hacerte sonreír
when the blood, it hits the floor------>cuando la sangre cae al suelo
tell me, friend,----------------------->dime, amigo,
can you ask for anything more?--------->¿puedes pedir algo más?
tell me can you ask for anything more?-->dime, ¿puedes pedir algo más?

Have you ever seen a scarecrow--------->¿Has visto alguna vez un espantapájaros
filled with nothing but dust and wheat?-->rellenado con polvo y trigo?
if you've ever seen that scarecrow---->si alguna vez has visto un espantapájaros
then you've seen me------------------->entonces me has visto a mí,
Have you ever seen a one-armed man---->¿has visto alguna vez a un hombre manco
punching at nothing but the breeze?--->dando puñetazos al aire?,
If you've ever seen a one-armed man--->si alguna vez has visto a un hombre manco
then you've seen me.------------------>entonces me has visto a mí.

Then you've seen me,------------------->Entonces me has visto,
I come and stand at every door--------->vengo y me pongo en cada puerta
then you've seen me,------------------->entonces me has visto,
I always leave------------------------->siempre me voy
with less than I had before------------>con menos de lo que tenía antes
then you've seen me,------------------->entonces me has visto,
bet I can make you smile--------------->apuesto que puedo hacerte sonreír
when the blood, it hits the floor------>cuando la sangre cae al suelo
tell me, friend,----------------------->dime, amigo,
can you ask for anything more?--------->¿puedes pedir algo más?
tell me can you ask for anything more?-->dime, ¿puedes pedir algo más?

These things that have comforted me,---->Todas las cosas que me han consolado
I drive away---------------------------->las dejo ir,
this place that is my home I can´t stay-->no puedo quedarme en este lugar que es mi casa,
my only faith's in the broken bones----->mi única fe está en los huesos rotos
and bruises I display.------------------>y heridas que muestro.

Have you ever seen a one-legged man----->¿Has visto alguna vez un hombre cojo
trying to dance his way free?----------->intentando bailar de la forma más libre?
if you've ever seen a one-legged man---->si alguna vez has visto un hombre cojo
then you've seen me.-------------------->entonces me has visto a mí.