
Traducida: Stubborn love (Amor obstinado) - The Lumineers


She'll lie and steal and cheat,---->Ella te mentirá y te robará, te engañará
and beg you from her knees-------->y te pondrá de rodillas,
make you thinks------------------->hará que pienses
she means it this time------------>que ella esta vez
she'll tear a hole in you,-------->te abrirá una cicatriz
the one you can't repair---------->que nunca podrás curar,
but I still love her,------------->pero yo todavía la amo,
I don't really care.-------------->no me importa.

When we were young, oh...-------->Cuando éramos jóvenes, oh...
we did enough-------------------->lo hicimos bastante,
when it got cold, oh...---------->cuando hacía frío, oh...
we bundled up-------------------->nos abrigábamos,
I can't be told------------------>no se lo pude decir,
it can't be done.---------------->no lo pude hacer.

It's better to feel pain,-------->Es mejor sentir dolor
than nothing at all-------------->que no sentir nada,
the opposite of love's----------->lo contrario del amor es
indifference--------------------->la indiferencia,
pay attention now,--------------->ahora escúchame
I'm standing on your porch------->estoy en el porche
screaming out-------------------->dando gritos
and I wont leave----------------->y no dejaré de gritar
until you come downstairs.------->hasta que vengas.

So keep your head up,------------>Así que mantén tu cabeza alta,
keep your love------------------->conserva el amor,
keep your head up, my love...---->mantén la cabeza alta, mi amor...
keep your head up,--------------->mantén la cabeza alta,
keep your love.----------------->conserva el amor.

I don't blame you dear---------->No te culpo querida
for running like you did,------->por huir como lo hiciste,
all these years----------------->todos estos años,
I would do the same,------------>yo hubiera hecho lo mismo,
you best believe---------------->es mejor creer,
the highway signs--------------->las señales de la carretera
say we're close,---------------->dicen que estamos cerca
but I don't read those things anymore--->pero nunca leo esas cosas,
I never trusted my own eyes.---->nunca confié en mis propios ojos.

When we were young, oh...-------->Cuando éramos jóvenes, oh...
we did enough-------------------->lo hicimos bastante,
when it got cold, oh...---------->cuando hacía frío, oh...
we bundled up-------------------->nos abrigábamos,
I can't be told------------------>no se lo pude decir,
it can't be done.---------------->no lo pude hacer.

So keep your head up,------------>Así que mantén tu cabeza alta,
keep your love------------------->conserva el amor,
keep your head up, my love...---->mantén la cabeza alta, mi amor...
keep your head up,--------------->mantén la cabeza alta,
keep your love.----------------->conserva el amor.