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It's been a long time coming---->Ha pasado mucho tiempo
since I've seen your face------->desde que vi tu rostro,
and I've never went back-------->y nunca volví atrás
trying to replace--------------->intentando reemplazar
everything that I've had------->todo lo que tenía
till my feet went numb--------->hasta que mis pies se entumecieron.
Praying like a fool------------>Rezando como un tonto
that's been on a run----------->que ha estado en una carrera,
heart still beating------------>el corazón sigue latiendo
but it's not working----------->pero no funciona bien,
it's like a million dollar phone--->es como un teléfono móvil de un millón de dólares
that you just can't ring------>que no puedes hacer sonar,
I reach out trying to love----->extiendo la mano intentando amar
but I feel nothing----------->pero no siento nada,
yeah, my heart is numb.------->sí, mi corazón está entumecido.
But with you------------------>Pero contigo
I feel again----------------->vuelvo a sentir,
yeah, with you----------------->sí, contigo
I can feel again.----------->puedo volver a sentir otra vez.
I'm feeling better-------->Me siento mejor
since you know me--------->desde que me conoces,
I was a lonely soul------->yo era un alma solitaria
but that's the old me.---->pero eso ya forma parte del pasado.
It's been a long time coming---->Ha pasado mucho tiempo
since I've seen your face------->desde que vi tu rostro,
and I've never went back-------->y nunca volví atrás
trying to replace--------------->intentando reemplazar
everything that I've had------->todo lo que tenía
till my feet went numb--------->hasta que mis pies se entumecieron.
Praying like a fool------------>Rezando como un tonto
that just shot a gun---------->que acaba de disparar un arma,
heart still beating------------>el corazón sigue latiendo
but it's not working----------->pero no funciona bien,
it's like a hundred thousand voices--->es como cien mil voces
that just can't sing------------>que no pueden cantar,
I reach out trying to love----->extiendo la mano intentando amar
but I feel nothing----------->pero no siento nada,
oh, my heart is numb.------->oh, mi corazón está entumecido.
But with you------------------>Pero contigo
I feel again----------------->vuelvo a sentir,
yeah, with you----------------->sí, contigo
I can feel again.----------->puedo volver a sentir otra vez.
But with you---------------->Pero contigo
(I'm feeling better--------->(me siento mejor
since you know me)---------->desde que me conoces),
I feel again---------------->vuelvo a sentir,
(I was a lonely soul-------->(yo era un alma solitaria
but that's the old me)------>pero eso ya forma parte del pasado),
yeah with you--------------->sí, contigo
(I'm feeling better--------->(me siento mejor
since you know me)---------->desde que me conoces),
I can feel again------------>puedo volver a sentir otra vez,
(I was a lonely soul)------->(yo era un alma solitaria).
I'm feeling better-------->Me siento mejor
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I was a lonely soul------->yo era un alma solitaria
but that's the old me.---->pero eso ya forma parte del pasado...
A little wiser now-------->Ahora soy un poco más sabio
but you show me----------->pero tú me enseñaste,
yeah, I feel again-------->sí, vuelvo a sentir,
feel again...------------->vuelvo a sentir...